Seeing is figuring out

Mark Fox

Skate or Die!
There were a few skateboards that I bought multiple copies of: each to replace one I had previously broken. One of those decks is the Dogtown Eric Dressen model. While my first skateboard was a Vision Mark Gonzales (and I rode seven of them), the Dressen was my favorite. I rode 9 different Dressen models.
I started skating in 1984, while the industry was still fledgling and largely d.i.y. Doing tricks off of launch ramps was popular then, and ultimately resulted in most of the breakage that warranted a deck replacement. I should also admit that several decks were shattered during adolescent fits of rage. Paint pens, possibly a top 100 amongst greatest twentieth century inventions, personalized the decks with design and text.
Here is another example of American junk culture: skateboarding. When 24th century anthropologists look back at 20th century american culture, do they lump it all together into one largely consumer culture? Or, do they seperate us into sects, where consumer interests define our groups? There is no doubt that skateboarding and music defined much of my person, as well as who I dated and who I hung around with.
Painted Bronze

The Budweiser can of beer is my personal reference to Jasper Johns and American Pop Art. In a sense, Pop Art is/was often an early reference to American folk culture. In 1960, we just hadn't experienced the media and consumer environment long enough to determine how it fit into the larger context of American culture. Johns, in particular, is important to me because of his connection to South Carolina and the University of South Carolina where I earned my BFA in Studio Art. My interest in Johns and his work is what brought me here. What's also interesting with Johns' Painted Bronze, is that no literature considers the possibility that Ballantine may be a reference to his place of birth. Maybe it is, maybe it is not. The fact remains, Johns never revealed any meaning in the work and Ballantine is a town near where Johns grew up.
Junk Culture
Tobacco - Fucked Up Friends DVD from strmlnd on Vimeo.
In 2008, Tobacco (Member of Black Moth Super Rainbow) released a soundtrack for a movie by Beta Carnage. This soundtrack ultimately became the album Fucked Up Friends. The movie contains a collection of cultural junk from television and movies. A truly brilliant production, Fucked Up Friends, is the first of now two productions under the Tobacco moniker.9.10.2010
H.R. Giger
Dead Kennedys
When asked what their favorite punk band could be, people are going to have a wide range of answers. Often, this answer is parallel to the generation in which one grew up. For me, it is undeniable- Dead Kennedys are by-and-large the greatest and most influential. Jello Biafra, East Bay Ray, Klaus Flouride, and 6025 made up the original lineup. Their lyrics were strewn with social and political commentary that set the tone for my most formidable years growing up in socially and politically conservative South Carolina.
Dinosaur Jr
Dinosaur Jr - Little Fury Things
Uploaded by jesus_lizard. - See the latest featured music videos.
The Roundhouse

complex numbers

My Bloody Valentine
Only Shallow
Uploaded by herve31. - Explore more music videos.
Oh, Bilinda Butcher. This songstress for My Bloody Valentine set the standard for every female crush I have had for years.
Big Black!
Easily one of my favorite punk rock bands: Big Black! Steve Albini introduced me to electronic music (sort of). His use of a drum machine was often criticized by some of my pals. It's here that I really began widening my musical taste. Somehow, I got from The Clash to Big Black! to Nurse with Wound all when I was a teen. While this may seem like nothing, my amazement is that it was done without the internet. Discoveries in underground music for a teen in the rural piedmont of South Carolina came through record liner notes, band acknowledgements, and zines. There were no search engines that produced related links, or music webstores to produce customized lists for customers who bought this, also bought...
the pool
kevin e. taylor | MySpace Video
Speaking of skating in Charleston, SC... A real cool dude in Kevin Taylor uploaded a short film onto Myspace that documents the infamous pool on George St. The pool was known across the state and kids like me put thousands of miles on their car to travel cross-state to skate it. Comprised mostly of stills, the film shows rare images of the supreme sessions enjoyed at the pool. @5:45- Video from a news story about the problems and destruction these hoodlum skaters are causing to public property. @8:57- a little snippet from the aforementioned Shepard Fairey. Ironically, the father of one of my best buds and a fellow Holy City skater was a city developer involved with filling the pool in. Kind'a sounds like an episode of the Brady Bunch, eh? I wonder if the kids will be able to save the pool! NOT
Andre the Giant has a posse


Wizards, an animated film by Ralph Bakshi, 1977
An innovator of rotoscoping animation, Bakshi produced several movies in the 1970's, including: Fritz the Cat and Heavy Traffic. He is most known for The Hobbit, which Bakshi produced 2 years after this film. Wizards is a post-apocalyptic story where humans are extinct as a result of nuclear war.

Assfactor 4
College pals while we were at the University of South Carolina, Assfactor 4 is still one on my favorite punk bands. These were the days. This show is filmed at Senseless Beauty in 5 Points, Columbia, SC around 1995. Senseless Beauty was ultimately closed when its owner was arrested for distribution of LSD and pimping underage male prostitutes. Despite it's egregious owner, countless amazing shows played at this short-lived venue.
aus from Tina Frank on Vimeo.
video: Skot
produced: 1998
re-issued on Editions Mego 2007
Irritationen und Ãœberlagerungen bilden die wichtigsten technischen Aspekte bzw. Mittel, die in »Aus« eingesetzt werden. Kratzspuren und Körnigkeit des für das Video verwendeten Super 8-Materials werden darin ebenso exponiert und hervorgehoben, wie die plastische »Dehnbarkeit« und »Verflüssigung« alter Aufnahmen mittels Computerbearbeitung. Die Filmsequenzen (etwa von zwei älteren Frauen in der Küche bzw. kalifornischen Meerlandschaften) erscheinen wie durch kaum merkliche Filter überlagert, worin nicht zuletzt die Instabilität von visueller Erinnerungsarbeit ihren Ausdruck findet. Die Bilder sind zudem entlang der Musik rhythmisiert und werden in winzigen, ruckartigen Bewegungen vor und zurück »gescratcht«. Und immer wieder leicht kitschig wirkende Strandszenen bzw. sentimentale Varieté-Aufnahmen, deren Oberfläche in digitale Wallungen, ein computerisiertes Flirren, versetzt wird. Entscheidend ist auch die Sichtbarmachung der Bildrahmung und der Kadrierung des Ausgangsmaterials, die das Stück hindurch zunehmend in den Vordergrund gerückt wird.
Die Manipulierbarkeit und Fragilität der verwendeten Filme bilden damit zentrale Aspekte, die »Aus« – perfekt auf die leicht melancholische Musik abgestimmt – zur Schau stellt. So handelt das Video primär vom Abschiednehmen: von Erinnerungsbildern, von ungetrübter Materialqualität, schließlich von »alten« Medien insgesamt und deren Repräsentation der Welt.
(Christian Höller for sixpackfilm.com)
Irritation and layovers are the main technical aspects within »Aus«. Scratches and the graininess of the found footage (Super 8 film) are heavily exposed and emphasised. This can be seen within some kind of plastic ’extensibility’ or ’liquefaction’ of old movies by means of computers. The images are rhythmized along with the music moving forward and backward in single frames like being “scratched”.
It is important that one can see the framing and the projection itself; the possible manipulation und fragility of the chosen movies are central, fitting perfectly to the slightly melancholic music. In this way the video tells of saying goodbye: of memories and untroubled quality of the material, in the end of »old« media and its representation of the world.
¬ about skot
Mathias Gmachl and Tina Frank started collaborating under the name of Skot in 1997. “Playing and working with recorded visual material on the basis of live sampling and live construction of new forms of visual media” was their aim. Skot is no longer active since 2000. (Tina Frank)
Maxime Bruneel
valse statique-la théorie du combo from maxime bruneel on Vimeo.
music by Fréderic Chapron
title music by The Avalanches.
Phillips 66
from the 1989 Santa Cruz Speed Wheels team video "Speed Freaks"
Notice Jeff is wearing some of the first Airwalk shoes. This is back when they were actually cool to wear and a rip-off of Vans #36. One of the best vert skaters ever, Jeff Phillips shot himself X-Mas, 1993.
Gun Club
Open Studio Session: David Ellis - Catfish from freestyle collective on Vimeo.
"David Ellis lives and works in Brooklyn; where his "motion paintings" travel through time like music, where beats are orchestrated and performed on "drum paintings" stretched and tuned to bass, snare, etc. and played via analog drum machines propelled by air, where player pianos meet SP1200s meet improvisational wild style sign painting."
Black Mold: Metal Spiderwebs from Flemish Eye on Vimeo.
From Black Mold's debut album "Snow Blindness is Crystal Antz", this video is animated by Chad VanGaalen. Find out more at flemisheye.com
Broken Fingaz -Graffiti Stop Motion from Broken Fingaz on Vimeo.
First animation clip from Tant and Unga of the "broken fingaz crew" from Israel.
Music by Boreta and edIT of The Glitch Mob
Malaventura's Audiovisual sampler (in action) from malaventura on Vimeo.
Recorded Live, made with Quartz Composer for the Video & Ableton Live for the audio.
Visual Music - Amon Tobin music video from 12FRAMES on Vimeo.
This short was selected by ONEDOTZERO and screened
as a part of the international program "terrain 09".
A music video about a man trapped in a dream. His world, consisting of "plattenbauten" (buildings made with precast concrete slabs) begins to fall apart...
The Interrogation of the Good_Bertold Brecht
//extension du domaine de la lutte/pussykrew// from pussykrew on Vimeo.
We have created a system in which it is simply impossible to live...
"Hear us then: we know.
You are our enemy(...)
We shall put you in front of a good wall and shoot you
With a good bullet from a good gun and bury you
With a good shovel in the good earth."
The Interrogation of the Good_Bertold Brecht
Efterklang - "Cutting Ice To Snow" from Herzliya Films on Vimeo.
"Cutting Ice To Snow"
From the album Parades
Directed by Jeremiah Zagar
Produced by Jeremy Yaches
Cinematography by Erik Messerschmidt
Edited by Adam Saewitz & Angshuman Ghosh
Title Design by Jonah Birns
Featuring deleted footage and alternate takes from the award-winning documentary "In A Dream." The film premiered on HBO2 on August 19th, 2009.
chopped up footage from 2eggs on Vimeo.
Contents: This is a h_da found footage production.